Welcome to Maria Jana (MJ) Publications and activities website, where  efficient and entertaining writings are the motivation.  MJ Publications showcases the various publications and projects of Dr Maria Jana Kingsley-Godwin. 

MJ Publications is continuing to expand into medical and healthcare projects.  These important topics will be published from 2026.  The publications will cover all aspects of medical and healthcare issues.  Please look out for them!

Welcome to the website of Dr Maria Jana Kingsley-Godwin's Publications, Work and Projects! You can follow the activities and the latest news about Dr Maria Jana via this website.



Welcome Statement from Dr Maria Jana Kingsley-Godwin


".....In the life of a writer sometimes lots of things happen all at once (and sometimes nothing happens at all). The aim of this website is to communicate with you all and share some news about my life as an author, medical doctor, medical writer and healthcare professional, and most importantly as a person. You can follow my work and activities, read my latest news on this website. If you want to find out more about my previous and upcoming activities feel free to contact me at enquiries@mariajana.co.uk .  I am looking forward to hearing from you all...."




The Latest Educational Publication of Dr Maria Jana Kingsley-Godwin


We are delighted to inform you that Dr Maria Jana's  newest Educational Publications on Haematological Malignancies  Medical Education/Teaching/Seminar Book is now available from December 2024. This book has been carefully crafted to offer the latest epidemiological data and the trends in diagnoses and treatments of various haematological malignancies.


For more information about these books, please contact: enquiries@mariajana.co.uk 


New Medical Education Books By Dr Maria Jana Kingsley-Godwin

We are delighted to inform you that Dr Maria Jana's  newest publications on Medical Education/Teaching/Seminar Series are now available from Since December 2024. This books have been carefully crafted to offer the latest trends in diagnoses and treatments of various diseases. 


For more details about the books or how to order them, please contact us via Email at: enquiries@mariajana.co.uk


Explore The Educational Seminar Series Books By Dr Maria Jana 

Neuroscience: An Innovation for Mankind


This book described and discussed the aetiology, diagnosis, treatments and types of autoimmune diseases, including the epidemiological data and health issues associated with it. 


Autoimmune Diseases – A Practical Workbook AND Autoimmune Diseases – An Educational Seminar WorkBook.


The purpose of this educational seminar/workshop teaching is to explore the meaning, aetiology, diagnosis, treatment, epidemiology, prognosis and healthcare issues in autoimmune diseases in order to provide more knowledge to healthcare professionals on how to deal the challenges posed by autoimmune diseases in society with the aid of case studies. 




The purpose of this educational workshop is to explore the advances in neurosurgery in the 21st Century.




English Literature Books by Dr Maria Jana Kingsley-Godwin


Emil’s Magical Adventures is an exciting story filled with magic and fantasy worlds. Read as Emil travels through worlds, encounters monsters and makes friends and more on his adventurous journey back home.


The Little Royals is a sweet delightful book focusing on the tale of a family of little royals. Read to find out about the royals and their mischievous antics. It provided detailed stories of little royals in their kingdom, showcasing the lives of the little king, queen, princes and princesses. 


In Hayley’s Magical Adventures, four brave girls find a diamond, which leads them on an exciting adventure, leading them through to places they’ve never even heard of. Read to find how they make it home.


Many authors have tried to write about the effects of food on health, but the real impacts of food and lifestyles still cause many health problems like obesity, anorexia and bulimia among others.  Consequently, these problems have become big public health issues over the past decades. 


Maria Jana had won many awards and scholarships




Information on how to order Maria Jana books and publications



Information about the work of Dr Maria Jana


Click here for details of books written and published by Maria Jana



Click here for details of articles/papers written and published by Maria Jana



Click here for details of research projects carried out, and presented by Maria Jana at various international medical conferences.


Welcome to Maria Jana Online

Understanding Food and Health

  It has been argued that available texts are poorly understood by members of the public and health care professionals.  Hence in this book (Understanding Food and Health), we have provided simplified understanding of the composition of various food categories, and their impacts on health of the public.  Guides to belter healthy eating are also provided




Emil's Magical Adventure: The Stories of Magic and Mysteries

This book shows the bravely acts of a young man called Emil, whose inquisitive personality helped him to explore the lands of magical myths and adventures..


Little Royals: The Stories of Majesty and Pageantries


 It portrays all the sense of royal duties, majestic activities and pageantries in a chronology of flamboyant and sophisticated royal lives.  It also shows the importance of ceremonies and family lives of the little royals, and their extended families in their kingdoms.  The book also contains humorous scenes, celebrations and community ties with many fairy tales and also problems.

Hayley's Magical Adventures: The Stories of Magic and Mysteries


This book tells the stories of an adventurous girl called Hayley whose quest for answers and curiosity led her to discover amazing things in various lands and places. 






How to Order Dr Maria Jana's Books or Publications


To order a copy of the book, please contact:

enquiries@idealpublishing.uk, and for any information about the book, please contact info@mariajana.org.uk



If you would like to order Dr Maria Jana book(s) or publication(s), please contact:



E-mail:    enquiries@idealpublishing.co.uk


Alternatively, you can complete the form from the following link:  https://www.mariajana.co.uk/ordering-of-books/ , and stating your contact details and the name and ISBN or ISSN of the book(s) or publication(s) you would like to order and this will be processed for you, and you will be contacted with regards to the order.









Current Projects of Dr Maria Jana Kingsley-Godwin



Dr Maria Jana is currently undertaking the following projects:

  • Advances in the diagnosis and treatment of Central Nervous System (CNS) Lymphoma 
  • Haematological Manifestations in Internal Diseases 


For details of the Ongoing Projects of Dr Maria Jana Kingsley-Godwin, please visit https://www.mariajana.co.uk/about-1/ .  Please scroll down towards the end of the page for descriptions of the projects.


Alternatively, please complete the Contact Form below for more details.



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