Articles, Papers and Educational Books
Please note I have over 180 publications in all categories of publications.
However, only selected and limited publications from 2015 to 2024 are stated below in categories.
Please also see the menu on the left hand side of this page for more details of my publications in year order, starting from 2024 to 2015, and also in categories.
For more information about my publications, please contact
Details of the 2024 publications will eb displayed here soon!
Paskaleva, Ivanka N, Tilov, Boris G, Kingsley-Godwin, Maria Jana. (2023). Application of a Low-Carbohydrate (ketogenic) Diet in the Treatment of Childhood Obesity and Metabolic Syndrome. Endocrinologia Jrnl, 1/2023:16-24.
.Maria Kingsley-Godwin, Ivanka Paskaleva, Katya Sapunarova, Tanya Yankova, Martin Donchev, Emil Aleksov, Zhanet Grudeva Popova, Veselina Goranova Marinova, Mimosa Staneva, Galya Kondeva and Georgi Mihaylov. Childhood Leukaemia: Evaluation of Clinical Matters, Epidemiological Issues, Diagnosis and Treatment Trends. Paper presented at the Proceedings of the Joint Annual Scientific Meeting and Medical Conference on Progress and Innovations in Haematology for the Future and beyond, 9 – 12 August 2023, London, England, United Kingdom. International Medical Conference Services (IMCS) Proceedings; ISSN: 1471-1346 August 2023, pp 41 – 43.
Stoyanova M., Venkov K., Yagurinoski M., Simonoski N., Aleksov E.,Avramova V., Voykov V., Gulubova M., Yankova T., Zhivkov T., Nikolova-Yankova V., Tonev I., Kingsley-Godwin M., Lazarova Y., Donchev M., Ganeva P., Ignatova K., Genova M., Kondeva G., Mihaylov G. Evaluating the role of new therapeutic options and Autologous Stem Cell Transplantation in patients with Refractory оr Relapsed Hodgkins lymphoma. Paper presented at the Proceedings of the National Haematological Congress, Kazanlak, Bulgaria, 5 – 8 October 2023.
Stoyanova M., Venkov K., Yagurinoski M., Simonoski N., Aleksov E.,Avramova V., Voykov V., Gulubova M., Yankova T., Zhivkov T., Nikolova-Yankova V., Tonev I., Kingsley-Godwin M., Lazarova Y., Donchev M., Ganeva P., Ignatova K., Genova M., Kondeva G., Mihaylov G. Evaluating the role of new therapeutic options and Autologous Stem Cell Transplantation in patients with Refractory оr Relapsed Hodgkins lymphoma. Paper presented at the Proceedings of the National Haematological Congress, Kazanlak, Bulgaria, 5 – 8 October 2023.
Ganeva P., Yankova V., Milcheva K., Venkov K., Arnaudov G., Kingsley-Godwin M., Tonev I., Simeonov S., Minchev M., Lazarova I., Kondeva G., Mihailov G . Retrospective analysis of results of autologous stem cell transplantations performed for the period 2018-2021. In patients with multiple myeloma in the transplantation department at sbalhz. Paper presented at the Proceedings of the National Haematological Congress, Kazanlak, Bulgaria, 5 – 8 October 2023.
For more information on the profile and full publications list (from 2010 to 2022) of Maria Jana Kingsley-Godwin, please contact:
Books, Book Chapters, Essays and other Publications
Please note that the various selected publications of Dr Maria Jana, which are arranged in order of types/themes can be seen in the menu on the upper left-hand side of this webpage.
Alternatively, please click on any of the links below to see the details: